
2024/25 - Elections OF COMMITTEES

After the May Munch we starting the process of electing the Steering & Ethics Committees for 2024/25.

Stage 1: Register as a UB Member

How to register to vote:

Stage 2: Nominations - May

Nominations Forms were sent out to all UB Registered Members on the mailing list. as of 28 May 2024 at 12.01 AM.

Steering Committee Nominations

Accepted and Standing














Nominated, no reply








Nominated, not standing




















Information submitted by the Members Standing for the Steering Committee


Hi All!

I'm CJ (EverythingsMagic on FetLife).

Thank you to those who nominated me for both the Steering Committee and Ethics Committee roles. I am truly humbled by this recognition. Being a part of Uncommon Bonds genuinely feels like home. Attending events, meeting new people, making connections, and growing as a person makes me sparkle and glow inside. I love our community, and I cherish being involved in it.

About eight years ago, I discovered FetLife, TNG, and UB through the rope group. Since that fateful day, I have been delighted and amazed by the range of enlightening experiences I've been privileged to have and the multitude of incredible individuals I've met. These experiences have allowed me to learn a variety of tangible and intangible skills, giving me the confidence to become a progressively more active member of UB. My gratitude to those who have come before me in our community is immense, and I believe that contributing to the ongoing evolution of Uncommon Bonds is one way to express this gratitude. If our community decides that I represent our needs, I would be thrilled to contribute as a member of the Steering and/or Ethics Committee.

Over the past year or so, I have been co-leading UB SwitchSIG with SirOfKitten. I will be honest: there have been challenges, and it's been a steep learning curve. However, I have continuously felt supported by our SIG members, SirOfKitten, many friends, and the wider community. This support has allowed me to grow significantly, and I've found that whenever I have asked for help or guidance, it has always been freely given.

We have worked hard to evolved SwitchSIG in a way that reflects the needs and values of the SIG members by being responsive to communication from those actively involved. It's been a pleasure to work in with the SIG members to create experiences, events, and an environment we collectively value.

More recently, through organizing events, I have developed a keen interest in the UB Equipment. We have some fantastic resources, and I am eager to learn how they can best serve our community. Additionally, I am interested in potentially taking on the treasurer role within the Steering Committee, as it aligns with aspects of my professional experience. I have been assured that whoever takes on this role will receive the necessary support to become familiar with the requirements and processes.

In my vanilla life, I have relevant experience in performing arts, hospitality and events, and health and education. My interests include mental health, supporting minorities, science, politics, LGBTQIA+ allyship, the arts, and history.

I highly value personal growth, ethical behavior, kindness, empathy, connection, compassion, and open-mindedness. I believe that as human beings, we are vulnerable and sometimes make errors in judgment for various reasons. It’s important to acknowledge these things and work to keep our community safe by facilitating educational and support opportunities so everyone can be their best.

I hope to see the Uncommon Bonds Steering and Ethics Committees achieve great success in the coming year, and I am confident this will happen with the continued support of all of us as a generous, proactive, and supportive community.


Kia ora, Im goose! 

I am a very active member of the community and i currently run silly sig.I want to thank those that have nominated me for the steering committee and ethics, however with my current life stage i think that i would be more benefical for the community in the steering committee. 

I love all types of play, SM and heavy play, silly and fun loving, needles, latex,  rope, switching, power exchange, degredation, impact, sensation and my palate is very diverse. I think i would be a great person to advocate for different events and involvement of a scene where lots of different play and experiences can be shared! 

 I am passionate about building a really good steering committee that works well as a team. I really value educating people and I want to address issues the community have. I work in education and am great at task delligation, inspring others and im very determined.

 My e hoa describe me as empathetic, open minded, kind, safe, fun and vibrant.


I've been in the community for just over one year. But in that time, the community has given so much to me and made me a better and confidant person. Being on the steering committee would be a chance to give back to the community and it's people. To who ever nominated me, a big thumbs up to you for your faith and confidence in me. If elected I'll give it a bloody good shot mate.


My name is Helter and I first joined the community in October 2022. Since then, I have been continually active and participating at workshops and events. I have found a particular interest in rope and sharps play. The discovery of the kink scene in Christchurch and the people within it has been life changing. After everything I have learnt and explored in this time, I would like to be able to volunteer my time to allow others the same opportunities for growth.


In my personal life I have been described by others as quiet, observant, kind, intelligent and hardworking. I believe I have the skills to be able to contribute towards either the steering committee or the ethics committee and behave in an integrous and respectable manner.


Initially, my goals for the steering committee would be a stronger focus on educational opportunities such as additional workshops and events/parties. I feel the most important issue is to hear as many opinions as possible of what the community desires and provide the tools for members to fulfil these. Being a relatively new member of UB, my input will give a fresh perspective with the guidance of previous committee members and other experienced people.


For the ethics committee, I believe I have the self-control and integrity to be able to listen to people’s concerns without bias and act in a fair and discrete manner. I think my neutral disposition will make me a natural fit for this role.


Thank you for the nominations. If you think I would be an appropriate representative of the community for either of these committees, I appreciate your vote.


Hello! I am Ty or 1Honiahaka on fet 😊

I am honored to be nominated for both the Ethics and Steering committees.

I made the decision to accept both nominations as I believe I have the time and energy to help out this amazing community that has helped me out in so many ways over the 8 years of being in the scene.


Hello everyone,

I have been part of the kink community for 8 years now. 

I've met lots of amazing people during the time and it has allowed me to grow as a person and embrace my love for latex.

It would be great to be a part of the Steering Committee and help new people learn and embrace their kinky side.


Hey hello kinky peeps.

I'm an out going , no filters , easy to get along with kinda girl. I got involved in the kink scene in London in the 90s and have been active in the chch scene for the last 6 years. I get to kink events all around New Zealand and have a reasonable understanding of most types of play even if it's not my thing. 

I've decided to run this year as I have the time and energy it takes,  and I think it's important that the organizational roles get shared around and not just put  back to the same people each time. 

I've done my time on committees in the past, I can understand mulpile points of view on complicated situations. Im not interested in hidden agendas, head games, and I take people on actions and who they are not what's written about them on line. 

So, vote for me , I have the time and energy to put into maintaining our very special community as it grows and evolves. 


Vote for me - I have background in running small businesses, I work for an accountant, I am about to start degree in Accounting and I have super sweet dance moves!


As a committed member of our community for the past four years, I've volunteered on the Steering Committee for two terms, the Ethics Committee for one, and I co-lead the SwitchSIG group with Everything's Magic. I've seen our community grow and evolve in remarkable ways and I'm dedicated to ensuring it remains a safe, inclusive, and vibrant space for everyone. This election, I am only standing for the Steering Committee. It was a tough decision, but I believe I can do the most good by focusing on one committee, and for me, that has to be Steering. 

My vision for our community is centered on clear communication, promoting education and understanding, and implementing practical solutions to address challenges. Some of the things I am passionate about are:

- Establishing clear Community Guidelines. This is crucial to uphold our values and ensure everyone feels respected and included. This will strengthen our Ethics Committee, helping them to effectively address harmful behavior and promote accountability.

- Creating opportunities for members to engage and connect. This includes consistently hosting educational workshops, monthly events, and launching our new membership app. By fostering a sense of belonging, we can ensure our community thrives and grows positively rather than fractures into opposing cliques.

- A strong and cohesive Steering Committee: I believe in the power of a diverse and inclusive Steering Committee. Embracing different perspectives is essential for effectively addressing our community's challenges. I have professional experience working within an effective team, which would be a valuable asset to the Steering Committee. I aim to facilitate an environment where your voices are heard and respected, and playing to our collective strengths so that the Steering Committee addresses the needs of everyone in our community. 

- Visible action: Transparency, honesty, accountability, are all fundamental pillars in our community. I want to ensure the community is kept in the loop. Newsletters will return. You will know what the Steering Committee is planning and acting on.

Thank you for the nominations to the Steering and Ethics Committees, and for considering my vision for our community. I trust your votes will form outstanding Steering and Ethics committees that take seriously the importance of creating a thriving, inclusive, and dynamic space for all members. This community has enriched my life in countless ways, providing invaluable experiences, knowledge, friendships, personal growth, and a profound sense of belonging that I deeply cherish. I would be honored to have the opportunity to continue shaping our Uncommon Bonds future, and provide a warm and welcoming space for all of you, just as many of you have done for me. 


Hi there!

I've been part of UB for about 10yrs, so have seen both what UB once was, and have watched it change and evolve over the years.

I am standing this year because I am seeing the need for some changes in the way we do things, to better meet the communities needs in a very different climate to what UB grew from, while still honouring what has made UB unique on it's past.

Organisational structures in evolving groups is something I have previously studied in another arena, and creating systems is something I am fairly competent at. 

I have also seen both sides of ethics, having had to discern how to best to handle breaches by others, and myself having hurt others and needing to struggle to change and resolve those hurts.


I have been floating around the scene for around five years, quietly observing and learning. I found my family who accepts me just as I am. I'm a passionate helper, happy chipping away in the background, I believe in advocating for those less heard, and am not afraid to start hard conversations. Overall I would love to see us thrive, because the community serves as a place of home for so many. 


First of all thank you to those who nominated me this year, I appreciate that you believe that I could potentially be a good representative for the UB community.

I have been in the scene for coming up 4 years now. In that time I have met so many amazing people, learned at lot and even started up the UB Womens Group that I co-run with tintintrouble. 

If I was to be elected, my main goal throughout the year would to facilitate and support a strong sense of community amongst UB members. I have watch our community grow exponentially in the last couple of years which is amazing, though I think that has also come with its challenges to keep up with all the changes. 

I want to keep building on top of the foundation that past committee members have worked so hard to set up. Building a thriving, supportive and uplifting community that continues to make new people feel welcomed and current UB members feel a sense of belonging and pride in what we can achieve together as a community. 


I am newish to the scene with less than 2 years experience. That said I’m passionate about creating safe environments for people to bring their authentic selves, express themselves and explore desires. I am a mother of two, both LGBTQ and neurodivergent, so I have a deep understanding of inclusiveness. In my vanilla life I have experience with leadership and organisation that I believe would be valuable to the steering committee.

Ethics Committee Nominations

Accepted and Standing







little j


Nominated, no reply








Nominated, not standing





















Information submitted by Members Standing for the Ethics Committee


After a busy first year on the Ethics Committee, I’m willing to stand again. 

As it’s going to be a lot of new faces on this committee I’m hoping to bring my knowledge from this first year into the next. I think this will be an exciting time for growth and development. 

Looking forward to serving you all again. 



Hi All!

I'm CJ (EverythingsMagic on FetLife).

Thank you to those who nominated me for both the Steering Committee and Ethics Committee roles. I am truly humbled by this recognition. Being a part of Uncommon Bonds genuinely feels like home. Attending events, meeting new people, making connections, and growing as a person makes me sparkle and glow inside. I love our community, and I cherish being involved in it.

About eight years ago, I discovered FetLife, TNG, and UB through the rope group. Since that fateful day, I have been delighted and amazed by the range of enlightening experiences I've been privileged to have and the multitude of incredible individuals I've met. These experiences have allowed me to learn a variety of tangible and intangible skills, giving me the confidence to become a progressively more active member of UB. My gratitude to those who have come before me in our community is immense, and I believe that contributing to the ongoing evolution of Uncommon Bonds is one way to express this gratitude. If our community decides that I represent our needs, I would be thrilled to contribute as a member of the Steering and/or Ethics Committee.

Over the past year or so, I have been co-leading UB SwitchSIG with SirOfKitten. I will be honest: there have been challenges, and it's been a steep learning curve. However, I have continuously felt supported by our SIG members, SirOfKitten, many friends, and the wider community. This support has allowed me to grow significantly, and I've found that whenever I have asked for help or guidance, it has always been freely given.

We have worked hard to evolved SwitchSIG in a way that reflects the needs and values of the SIG members by being responsive to communication from those actively involved. It's been a pleasure to work in with the SIG members to create experiences, events, and an environment we collectively value.

More recently, through organizing events, I have developed a keen interest in the UB Equipment. We have some fantastic resources, and I am eager to learn how they can best serve our community. Additionally, I am interested in potentially taking on the treasurer role within the Steering Committee, as it aligns with aspects of my professional experience. I have been assured that whoever takes on this role will receive the necessary support to become familiar with the requirements and processes.

In my vanilla life, I have relevant experience in performing arts, hospitality and events, and health and education. My interests include mental health, supporting minorities, science, politics, LGBTQIA+ allyship, the arts, and history.

I highly value personal growth, ethical behavior, kindness, empathy, connection, compassion, and open-mindedness. I believe that as human beings, we are vulnerable and sometimes make errors in judgment for various reasons. It’s important to acknowledge these things and work to keep our community safe by facilitating educational and support opportunities so everyone can be their best.

I hope to see the Uncommon Bonds Steering and Ethics Committees achieve great success in the coming year, and I am confident this will happen with the continued support of all of us as a generous, proactive, and supportive community.


My name is Helter and I first joined the community in October 2022. Since then, I have been continually active and participating at workshops and events. I have found a particular interest in rope and sharps play. The discovery of the kink scene in Christchurch and the people within it has been life changing. After everything I have learnt and explored in this time, I would like to be able to volunteer my time to allow others the same opportunities for growth.


In my personal life I have been described by others as quiet, observant, kind, intelligent and hardworking. I believe I have the skills to be able to contribute towards either the steering committee or the ethics committee and behave in an integrous and respectable manner.


Initially, my goals for the steering committee would be a stronger focus on educational opportunities such as additional workshops and events/parties. I feel the most important issue is to hear as many opinions as possible of what the community desires and provide the tools for members to fulfil these. Being a relatively new member of UB, my input will give a fresh perspective with the guidance of previous committee members and other experienced people.


For the ethics committee, I believe I have the self-control and integrity to be able to listen to people’s concerns without bias and act in a fair and discrete manner. I think my neutral disposition will make me a natural fit for this role.


Thank you for the nominations. If you think I would be an appropriate representative of the community for either of these committees, I appreciate your vote.


Hello! I am Ty or 1Honiahaka on fet 😊

I am honored to be nominated for both the Ethics and Steering committees.

I made the decision to accept both nominations as I believe I have the time and energy to help out this amazing community that has helped me out in so many ways over the 8 years of being in the scene.

Howlinghomebody here, Some of you might now me as the one that seems to be hidden in the background but appears  when needed, I have been part of the community for just over a year now and have seen many great things and learnt a lot. I am standing this year in the hopes of returning a lot of the support and education that has been given to me by the community as a whole.

I come from a background of security which has given me a lot of insight into many different avenues of ethics and how to navigate them and enabling education and growing of people is something that motivates me a lot in both my personal and professional life.

Also to those that nominated me thank you for your trust in me and I shall endeavor to do my best if Voted in


Hey hello kinky peeps.

I'm an out going , no filters , easy to get along with kinda girl. I got involved in the kink scene in London in the 90s and have been active in the chch scene for the last 6 years. I get to kink events all around New Zealand and have a reasonable understanding of most types of play even if it's not my thing. 

I've decided to run this year as I have the time and energy it takes,  and I think it's important that the organizational roles get shared around and not just put  back to the same people each time. 

I've done my time on committees in the past, I can understand mulpile points of view on complicated situations. Im not interested in hidden agendas, head games, and I take people on actions and who they are not what's written about them on line. 

So, vote for me , I have the time and energy to put into maintaining our very special community as it grows and evolves. 

little j

I’ll keep this short, much like myself. In my roughly 12 years in the scene, I’ve come to appreciate all of the facets of the UB community and the vibrancy they create.

If elected onto the Ethics Committee, I will bring attention to detail and hold others accountable to the shared values of our community. I want to give back to the community as it has given to me over so many years, and working alongside others as a member of the Ethics Committee is a challenge I would like to rise to the challenge.

I entered the scene as a burlesque performer, and I left it briefly to pursue post-graduate study. I hereby re-introduce myself to everyone as j, someone who is principled and prepared to put in the effort to uphold the values and ethics of UB. 

Thank you for your consideration.



I've been actively and variously involved in the NZ kink scene for some time and have been a UB member since moving back to Christchurch in 2020.

I have enormous respect for UB and what it represents since first learning of it in the late 90s. Something I believe in strongly and which sets UB apart from other communities I've known is the Ethics Committee.

I am a Dom, a sadist, a top and a brat. Above, throughout, and underlying all of these things I am a Leatherman. To me, this has much less to do with the items I wear and the protocols I observe than the values I live by.

There are two main tenets of the leather community that I choose to be guided by; these are known as HILT and HARD.

HILT stands for Honesty. Integrity. Loyalty. Trust.

 These are the values that I try to embody within myself and in how I deal with people around me.

HARD stands for Honour. Accountability. Responsibility. Duty.

These are the values I try to carry into my interactions with my community.

Those who know me know I have not always succeeded at exemplifying all of these values, I have let down and hurt people, and I myself have had my actions bring me in front of the ethics committee.

I believe those who know me also know that I endeavour to take accountability for my actions and have chosen to make change where change was necessary in my own life to ensure that I do not take those actions or cause that harm again.

Because I believe in responsibility, accountability, and duty.

Because I understand intimately that people can make mistakes. And that they can learn from those mistakes and do better.

Because I have walked this fire and I know the pain it can cause to everyone involved.

For these reasons I am standing for the Ethics Committee.

I understand the level of commitment, both emotional and temporal, and I understand the duty of care required towards all individuals on every side of a complaint.

I am ready.

Stage 3: Voting - June

Online Voting starts on 24 June 2024.

Everyone on the UB mailing list (as of 28 May 2024), will be sent a link to an electronic voting form.

Voting closes on 7 July 2024, 11:59pm.

Stage 4: Announcement - July

Results will be announced on 9 July 2024 using the UB Website, UB Mailing List, Fetlife and the UB Munch.


As in previous years the Ethics Committee will have oversite of all the data and counting of the election results.