General policies
UB Member
Must be over 18 years old
Must have attended two UB events (Munch, SIG, Party, Workshop) in 12 months
Must have added their name to the UB Mailing List for up-to-date communications
Must attend a UB Orientation & Etiquette Workshop every 2 years
We ask all UB Members to join the UB Mailing list so we have a central method of communication.
We’re a social group of friends, with a common interest, and we need to be comfortable with you being part of our group.
We reserve the right to refuse membership of the group, or entry to any event run under the group name, at any time.
If your behaviour makes other people uncomfortable, we’ll talk to you about that and give you the opportunity to change.
If, in the end, you can’t fit in, you’ll need to go elsewhere. The comfort of the majority of the group comes first!
If you break the rules, you’ll be spoken to about it and given a chance to put your side of the story. Depending on the seriousness of the breach, you’ll have another chance to get it right, or in some cases, you’ll be told you have to leave.
If you have a conviction of any kind, and particularly for a violence or sexual offense, you’ll need to disclose this up front. That way a decision can be made on allowing you to join or not.
If you are already a member, and you are indicted with these sorts of offenses, you’ll be immediately suspended from attending group events, and irrespective of the outcome of any court case, you may well be told you cannot continue as a member.
UB promotes safe, sane and consensual BDSM.
UB cannot be responsible for the actions of individuals in private situations. Claims of years of experience or membership in the UB group is no guarantee of experience or safety.
We recommend you take every possible action to ensure your own safety when meeting a potential BDSM partner, including checking references within your local BDSM community.
UB Members can borrow and use UB Equipment for non-commercial uses.
Commercial use of equipment must be approved by the Steering Committee and a cost may be charged for the hire.
Safety Equipment and Consumable items will not be available for hire.
UB Parties & SIGS have priority over individual members or other groups, contact Ubsteering@gmail.com
Users must report any damages or issues with the use of equipment.
Gear is to be returned within 48 hours of a party.
Gear is to be returned in a neat and tidy manner to the storage area.
Electrical Equipment will be PAT tested every 12 months.
The Rope Suspension Frame must be put up by a trained person and taken down by the same person, then returned to the Rope Group for storage.
The Election Process starts at the May Munch.
Communications by the UB Mailing List, UB Website and Fetlife Group.
The June Munch will be known as the Election Munch.
Voting information will be sent to everyone on the UB Mailing List (prior to the Election Process Starting)
Notification to everyone Registered on UB Mailing List
Acceptance of the Nominations by the individuals nominated
Announcement of Committees
Committees take office from the July Munch.
UB Members eligible to vote and be nominated are people that have attended a minimum of two UB events (Munch, SIG, Party, Workshop) in a 12 a month period and live locally.
Terms of Office - Steering Committee
5 Members
Terms of Office - Ethics Committee
5 Members
Financial Accounts
The UB Financial Accounts will run 1 May to 30 April, as per the recommendation of the groups Accountant.
The Accounts will be reviewed by the Treasurer and Steering Committee, any discrepancies will be notified to the members.
The UB Website is set up as a central source of information for UB members, separate from other social media companies.
Google Analytics monitors the relevance and use of this website and is reported at the Munches.
Content can be added by contacting the Steering Committee online or at a Munch.
Content must be relevant and up-to-date and benefiting the community.
SIG Policies
Rope Group Code of Conduct
Courtesy and Respect
We believe that anyone who enters a UB space deserves courtesy and respect. We demonstrate this value in how we speak to each other, how we treat other people’s personal space, how we leave the venues, and the way we treat the personal boundaries of others in the group.
Many of us in the UB community have developed close relationships over time and are tactile and familiar with each other. All of these relationships have started with a ‘may I hug you?’ ‘do you mind if I touch you and your equipment?’ Or ‘May I watch from close up?’ We love when people ask first. The answer may be no, or not right now, or yes, and we appreciate being given the opportunity to have those conversations.
Reducing Risk
We are aware that many kink practices carry inherent risks. The level of risk varies from activity to activity but is almost always present, and as such we do our best to manage and reduce risk wherever we can. We demonstrate this value in how we communicate, in the importance we place in education, in using the right equipment for the activity, and in all sig group attendees working within their skill level.
The risks in kink range from low risk activities through to those considered edgeplay.
Edge play requires good safety and training, and the sig groups are designed to provide some of this training and required procedures. We may be able to help you do something more safely or point you to more effective equipment or resources.
Please be aware that if we observe a practice we believe may cause injury or have concern for any of the participants, we will step in and discuss with you.
Upholding Consent
We believe in the importance of informed, enthusiastic, ongoing consent. Whether you have just walked in and want to learn or whether you’re an existing member of UB, we believe that you should be given the opportunity to give or withhold consent.
We demonstrate this value by asking first, respecting an answer the first time, and creating a listening environment. We believe that any person in the the rope group, whether a new or established member, a host or instructor, should always ask before touching a person or their equipment. We believe that all parties should be as informed as possible before beginning any activity, and we believe that anyone in sig group should be able to change their mind without explanation and that things should stop as safely and as quickly as possible. The consent of tops and bottoms are equally important. For anyone who says no, or that they’re uncomfortable, their word should be accepted and they should not be pressured to perform in any way.
Our hope is that by providing and living these values, we foster open and inviting spaces to pursue kink play.
Ethics Committee - Issues
"Ethical behaviour includes honesty, integrity, fairness and a variety of other positive traits. Those who have others' interests in mind when they make decisions are displaying ethical behaviour"
Charged with the responsibility of ensuring the ethical behaviour of UB members at UB events, the committee mediates or investigates, issues, disputes, or complaints from UB members.
Has an overview of the UB Elections
How to make a UB Ethics Committee complaint or raise an issue
Direct email: ubethicscommittee@gmail.com